European Adventures of Toinette and Johan

Monday, May 24, 2010

Die kasteel het ook geheime oorlog tonnels. Die toer werk op 'n first come, first served basis en aangesien ons eers laat die middag daar aangekom het, was die toere vir die dag reeds vol geboek en kon ons dit ongelukkig nie self te siene kry nie. Ten minste kon ons 'n paar mooi foto's neem van die uitsig bo van die kasteel af. Op een van die foto's van die Dover Cliffs kan julle die oorlogtonnels sien uitmond na buite:

"Hidden deep inside the famous White Cliffs and under Dover Castle are a vast network of underground tunnels, first constructed in the Middle Ages.
During the Napoleonic Wars, these tunnels were greatly extended to provide barracks for the great numbers of soldiers called to Dover to prepare for invasion from the French.
This massive underground complex also played an important role in the Second World War, being used as the nerve centre for planning the evacuation of troops from France.
After the war, the tunnels were prepared for possible use as a regional government centre in the event of a nuclear attack on London." The tunnels were only opened to the public in the 1990's". [Quoted from London for free]


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