Monday, February 12, 2007
Nog wapens
'n Ou geweer, 'n kanon en 'n trebuchet. Die definisie van 'n trebuchet is:
"A trebuchet (occasionally referred to as a trebucket) is a medieval siege engine, a weapon employed either to smash masonry walls or to throw projectiles over them.
The trebuchet is thought to have been invented in China between the 5th and 3rd centuries BC. The counterweight trebuchet evolved from the simpler Chinese traction trebuchet. The device reached Europe around AD 500. It could fling three hundred pound (140 kg) projectiles at high speeds into an enemy fortification, quickly obliterating walls and defenses. Occasionally it was used to throw the bodies of people and animals who had died from various diseases including the black plague over castle walls, in an attempt to infect the people under siege. Trebuchets were far more accurate than other forms of medieval catapults."
The trebuchet is thought to have been invented in China between the 5th and 3rd centuries BC. The counterweight trebuchet evolved from the simpler Chinese traction trebuchet. The device reached Europe around AD 500. It could fling three hundred pound (140 kg) projectiles at high speeds into an enemy fortification, quickly obliterating walls and defenses. Occasionally it was used to throw the bodies of people and animals who had died from various diseases including the black plague over castle walls, in an attempt to infect the people under siege. Trebuchets were far more accurate than other forms of medieval catapults."
Hulle skiet soms die trebuchet, maar net in hoogseisoen. Ons was ongelukkig daar in laagseisoen en kon dit dus nie in aksie te siene kry nie.
Dit is regtig chilling om te besef hoe barbaars die sogenaamde gekultiveerde en opgevoede mense van daardie tye eintlik was. Hulle was verskriklik wreed. Ons het in die dungeon ingegaan - 'n beknopte en donker gat onder die grond. Sekere gevangenes is vir jare daaronder gelaat.
Daar is ook 'n paar foto's van die martelmetodes wat hulle in daardie tye toegepas het. Lees maar gerus (dit is ook interessant waar die groep Iron Maiden hulle naam van gekry het).
Bird's eye view van kasteel
Daar is 'n paadjie na die boonste top van een van die kasteelpunte. Dit is 'n vreesaanjaende paadjie - sowat oor die 5oo dun, klein trappies, wat by tye amper pikdonker is. Maar dit was als die moeite werd. Die uitsig is asemrowend. Ongelukkig moes Johan maar wegbly van die kant van die toppunt af, want sy hoogtevrees het begin inskop.
Warwick Castle
'n Paar kilometer van Stratford-upon-Avon af is Warwick Castle (Warwick uitgespreek as Warrick). Net 'n bietjie informasie oor die kasteel (wat gespruit het uit 'n fort) om julle 'n idee te gee van hoe lank terug hierdie kasteel se geskiedenis strek.
"Warwick Castle overlooking the River Avon, lies in the town of Warwick of the English county of Warwickshire. It is traditionally associated with the earldom of Warwick, one of the oldest in England. The castle today is a popular tourist attraction and attracts tens of thousands of visitors from all over the world.
Legend has it that the first fortification of significance on the grounds of Warwick Castle was erected by the daughter of Alfred the Great, in the year 914. This almost certainly replaced older wooden fortifications which had proven ineffective against marauding Danes who sacked the town during the reign of her father. This fortification was part of a network built to protect the Kingdom of Wessex.
The remains of this ancient fortification can still be seen on Ethelfleda's Mound, a mound of earth at the southern end of the castle's courtyard. As intriguing as this legend is, the majority of the remains date from the period of Norman rule.
After the Norman Conquest of England in the 11th century, William the Conquerer appointed Henry de Newburgh as Earl of Warwick. During this time, a Norman motte-and-bailey fort was erected."
The remains of this ancient fortification can still be seen on Ethelfleda's Mound, a mound of earth at the southern end of the castle's courtyard. As intriguing as this legend is, the majority of the remains date from the period of Norman rule.
After the Norman Conquest of England in the 11th century, William the Conquerer appointed Henry de Newburgh as Earl of Warwick. During this time, a Norman motte-and-bailey fort was erected."
Shakespeare se burial place
Shakespeare het 'n spesiale burial place binne die Holy Trinity Church. Die kerk self is asemrowend. En in 'n sekere hoek is 'n spesiale plek aan Shakespeare toegewys. Daar is 'n bordjie by sy graf wat lui:
"Good friend, for Jesus' sake forbear
To dig the dust enclosed here,
Blessed be the man that spares these stones,
And cursed be he that moves my bones".
Sommige mense beweer dat Shakespeare self hierdie woorde geskryf het, en as mens kyk na die galgehumor daarin, was dit wel baie moontlik hy.
Shakespeare sculpture trail in Great Garden
Amerikaanse argitek, Gregg Wyatt, het 'n paar beelde gemaak ter ere van 5 van Shakespeare se plays, naamlik A Midsummer Night's Dream, The Tempest, Hamlet, Julius Caesar and King Lear. En daar is nog beelde in die pyplyn.
"The Great Garden of New Place is a free public space situated on Chapel Lane, which originally formed part of Shakespeare’s large estate. With beautiful herbaceous borders and box and yew hedges, and an Ancient Mulberry Tree rumoured to be a cutting of one that Shakespeare had planted, it is a tranquil space enjoyed by Stratfordians and Visitors alike, a perfect place for lunch or a picnic!"