European Adventures of Toinette and Johan

Monday, June 18, 2007

Greenwich Meridian Lyn

Hier staan ek op die Greenwich Meridian Lyn wat die aardbol in die oostelike en westelike hemisfere verdeel - een voet in die oostelike halfrond en een voet in die westelike halfrond:

"The meridian line is an imaginary line which runs from the North Pole to the South Pole. By international convention it runs through the main telescope at the Royal Observatory in Greenwich, England. As the Earth's crust is moving slightly all the time, the exact position of the Meridian shifts
slightly too.

The meridian line or Zero Longitude represents the Prime Meridian of the World. Every place on Earth is measured in terms of its distance east or west from this line. The line itself divides the eastern and western hemispheres of the Earth - just as the Equator divides the northern and southern hemispheres."


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