European Adventures of Toinette and Johan

Sunday, September 02, 2007

Ons hotelkamer

Die hotel waar ons gebly het se naam is Hotel De Filosoof. Elke kamer in die hotel is gedecorate volgens 'n ander filosofie of ideologie of selfs volgens 'n sekere filosoof se teorie. Ons kamer se tema was Thales - die Griekse filosoof wat ook beskou word as die vader van moderne wetenskap.

Hy het die volgende geglo: "Thales stated that the origin of all matter is water. Although this sounds a bit odd, there may be some truth in it. As we know today, the largest constituent of the universe is hydrogen, which makes two of the three atoms in water (H2O). The missing oxygen atom was added later when our planet formed. Scientists believe that liquid water is prerequisite to life, and we know with certainty that the first life forms flourished in the oceans, so water is indeed a primordial substance."

Soos jul kan sien, reflekteer ons kamer die filosofie van water. Ons kamer het ook 'n buitengewone groot venster gehad en jul kan sien hoe mooi die uitsig is vanuit die kamer. Ek hunker sommer weer terug daarna...


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