European Adventures of Toinette and Johan

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Eden Project = Regeneration & Hope

Die Eden Project is so 'n inspirerende plek - dit is soms maklik om oorweldig te word deur al die lelike dinge in die lewe, maar hier word mens herinner dat enigiets moontlik is en dat daar altyd hoop is. Selfs die water in die toilette wat mens daar gebruik is opgegaarde reënwater, so die hele idee van conservation is alomteenwoordig. Mens gaan weg van die Eden Project af met hernieude ywer en hoop vir die toekoms en 'n lus om 'n beter mens te wees en om meer te doen vir die aarde en haar behoud. Dit herinner my aan die Native American proverb:

"Treat the earth well: it was not given to you by your parents,
it was loaned to you by your children.
We do not inherit the Earth from our Ancestors,
we borrow it from our Children."

"Eden began as an act of regeneration, of land and people. We bought an exhausted, steep-sided clay pit 60 metres deep, the area of 35 football pitches, with no soil, 15 metres below the water table, and gave it life: soil made from 'waste' materials, water harvested from the rain, giant conservatories and buildings that drew inspiration from nature. We populated it with a huge diversity of plants and people from all walks of life and built within it structures and infrastructures. We opened our Visitor Centre in 2000 so the public could watch the construction and share the adventure. We opened the whole site on 17 March 2001."


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