European Adventures of Toinette and Johan

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Giving Okephampton the OK

Ons het Donderdag Okehampton toe geskiet om Okehampton Castle te gaan besigtig.  

Okehampton is 'n pragtige klein dorpie.  Ons het gou by die Tourist Information Centre gestop om bietjie ekstra inligting te kry en was van plan om 'n lekker walk te doen daardie dag, maar die vrou wat daar werk het ons gelukkig ingelig dat die military daardie dag live firing het, so ons moes dit maar 'n skip gee :-):

"The Ministry of Defence has a training area on northern Dartmoor which comprises (Okehampton, Merrivale and Willsworthy ranges).  The public has access to these moorland areas except when the ranges are in use for live firing .  The boundaries of the three Range Danger Areas are marked on the ground by a series of red and white posts with warning notices.

When wishing to use these areas, the firing times must be checked and warning signals (red flags by day and red lamps at night) heeded.

Dartmoor has been used for military training since the early 1800s.  There is always a risk you could come across unexploded ordnance anywhere on the moor.  Please do not touch or tamper with any strange or metal object, it may be dangerous.  Leave it alone, mark and note the location, and inform the Commandant, Okehampton Camp, the police or at an Information Centre."  [Dartmoor National Park]


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