European Adventures of Toinette and Johan

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

The Moors

Die Vrydagoggend het ons 'n taxi gevat Merrivale toe en van daar af het ons op die Moors gaan rondloop, wat 'n verskriklike atmosferiese plek is, op pad Princetown toe.

"Moorland or moor is a type of habitat, in the temperate grasslands, savannas, and shrublands biome, found in upland areas, characterised by low-growing vegetation on acidic soils and heavy fog." [Wikipedia]

Ek het gevoel asof ons in 'n Wuthering Heights novel is met al die mistigheid, sowel as die koue, nat gras wat teen ons broekspype opgeslaan en ons papnat gemaak het.  Dit is 'n magiese, maar ook baie harde, onvergeefbare en vreesaanjaende landskap.

Ons het allerhande hut circles, stone rows en stone circles gesien:

"Merrivale Prehistoric Settlement is a partially enclosed stone hut circle settlement (village).  There are at least thirty six hut circles and four separate enclosures.  They are thought to have been built during the Bronze Age, over a long period from around 2500 BC to 1000 BC.  Sixteen of them still have visible doorways, and one even has a porch.  Six of the thirty six hut circles were excavated by Dartmoor Exploration Committee in 1895.  All contained charcoal, though only two hearths (fireplaces) were identified.  The only artefact found was a flint flake.  This site is now in the care of English Heritage (2010)."  [Heritage Explorer]


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