European Adventures of Toinette and Johan

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Leisurely Stroll on St Marys

Ons het besluit om die Donderdag op die eiland van St Mary te bly en die ander deel van die eiland te gaan verken, Hugh Town en The Garrison:

"Hugh Town is built on a narrow sandy isthmus which joins the main island of St Mary's to the hill now knows as the Garrison, but until the 18th century, called the Hugh.  There is archeological evidence for human presence in the Hugh Town area from the Bronze Age, Romano-British period and Mediaeval times.  Hugh Town began to develop as a town after the building of the Star Castle (literally built in the shape of a star and is now a hotel) and other defensive structures on the Garrison at the end of the 16th century and became the largest settlement in the Islands in the 18th century." [Walk Around Guide Book]


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