European Adventures of Toinette and Johan

Sunday, October 27, 2013

St Agnes

Ons het die Woensdag 'n boot gevat na die eiland van St Agnes waar ons walkies  onder andere die volgende ingesluit het:  Die St Agnes Lighthouse, Beady Pool ("so named because brown and blue-and-white beads, believed to come from a nearby shipwreck, can sometimes be found amongst the rocks on the beach"), verskeie grafte op die gronde van St Agnes Kerk waar baie gevalle seevaarders wat tydens see-ekspedisies omgekom het begrawe lĂȘ, sowel as Troytown Maze ("a labyrinth pattern marked out in beach pebbles which is unique in the British Isles and its written history goes back to 1729 but it may be much older than that.")


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