European Adventures of Toinette and Johan

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Tresco Abbey Gardens

Tresco Abbey Gardens is enige plantliefhebber se droom.  Ons het veral geniet om die Suid-Afrikaanse plantegroei te sien tussen al die ander plantespesies van reg oor die aardbol:

"The creation of the Abbey Garden began in 1834, extending over the grounds around the remains of the 12th century St Nicholas Priory.  Helped by the efforts of Scillonian master mariners, Augustus Smith brought together an extraordinary collection and began to lay it out according to the plants' widespread native lands.  Today you can wander through some garden zones with themes such as 'Higher and Lower Australia', 'Mexico' and 'South Africa Cliff'.  Mediterranean and South American species are extensively represented as well as those from California, New Zealand and the Canary Islands.  Altogether there are over 4000 different specimens, including Cacti, an abundance of Palms, Bamboo, New Zealand 'Flame-Trees', Echium, Agapanthus, Aeonium and King Proteas. [Tresco Abbey Gardens Guidebook]


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